"We know from the Word of God that He is creative and that He has bestowed gifts and talents to point our world back to Him. It can be easy to glorify the created things, but we must know that the Creator alone is worthy of all our praise."
- Domenic Andolina, Theatre Director
The FACS Theatre production season includes a fall stage play and spring musical. Students in grades 7-12 may audition for our Winter play or Spring musical production. Elementary-aged students, grades 4-6, are included in productions as deemed necessary and fitting by the director and script. Auditions are announced on FACS Connect.
Theatrical arts courses are offered as electives for students in grades 7-12.
Introduction to Theatre provides an overview of the history of theatre, set design, storytelling, improvisation and scriptwriting.
Theatre I explores the connections between theatre and society, engages students in script analysis and develops their acting skills through improvisation and scene study.
Theatre II allows students to explore specific areas of the theatrical arts. Students will analyze four plays and have an opportunity to serve in a position of leadership during FACS productions.
Theatre III is catered to the individual student's interest in theatre. Each student will choose 4 areas of specific study (lighting, acting, costume design, and set design, for example) and will end each quarter with a culminating project evaluating their knowledge and mastery of each of the 4 chosen areas.
Theatre IV provides students with leadership experience in self directed areas of the theatrical arts. These may include stage managing, student directing, costume designing and choosing our theatrical season. Students will finish this course with a portfolio ready for use in college and professional interviews.
How will I know when and where auditions are? Auditions are announced via our Facebook page, Instagram account, and on Microsoft Teams (English classes for grades 7-12).
What grades are permitted to participate in FACS Theatre productions? Our play is reserved for students in grades 7-12, and our musical is for students in grades 5-12. Students in grades K-4 are invited to audition as deemed necessary and appropriate by the director of theatre.
Where do FACS Theatre productions take place? Our productions take place in the Theatre room, located inside the Dorothy E. Grove Youth Center.
Who can I contact for more information about FACS Theatre? Email our Director of Theatre, Domenic Andolina, at We would love to invite you to our productions, and see if FACS is the right choice for you or your student.
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Thespian Troupe 6396 is sponsored by FACS Theatre. Students in grades 7-12 are invited after they have accumulated 100 additional hours of work in the theatrical arts. Once inducted, students meet regularly to increase the success of our theatre program, and are provided the opportunity to apply for leadership roles.

First Assembly Christian School is a proud participant in the Orpheum High School Musical Theatre Awards – a program that supports, promotes, and celebrates high school musical theatre throughout the Mid-South. The program aims to provide access to arts education, create opportunities for self-expression, develop relationships between schools and the Orpheum, encourage collaboration, enhance excellence, build community, and instill a lifelong passion for the arts.
2024-Road Dahl's James and the Giant Peach
Outstanding Small Ensemble-The Insects
Outstanding Playbill
Outstanding Program
Outstanding Artistic Element-The Insect Puppets
2023-The Wizard of Oz
Lead Actress-Zoe Goolsby as The Scarecrow
2022-Tuck Everlasting
Outstanding Large Ensemble
Outstanding Artistic Element-The Yellow Jacket
FACS Theatre has proudly taken the Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) Theatre Climate Pledge to implement at least one new environmentally friendlier practice per production. We are one of only five elementary/secondary schools in the country to partner with BGA.
On our current production, we have implemented eliminating single use plastic water bottles.
Visit to learn more about how your organization can join the sustainable theatre movement!