FACS fourth graders brought Tennessee history to life during the annual Tennessee Hall of Fame! Students, dressed in full character, presented monologues of famed persons who have positively impacted Tennessee history in every area including commerce and business, politics, the entertainment and food industries, and even space travel.

During the 13th Annual Tennessee Hall of Fame, spectators stepped up to frozen figures and watched as they came to life in full character to recite a brief summary of their character's life and contribution to Tennessee History. This event is a longstanding tradition for fourth graders at FACS. Led by teacher, Mrs. Donna Henderson, students spend weeks researching and preparing their characters for this day. Over the years, famed persons in the Hall of Fame have included the likes of Johnny Cash and Elvis, Dolly Parton and Minnie Pearl, Casey Jones, Andrew and Rachel Jackson, Morris Frank, Kellie Cash, Wilma Rudolph, Ida B. Wells, Mary Murfree, Little Debbie, B.B. King, and list goes on.