Each year, FACS designs and mails a special Christmas card to celebrate this joyous season. This year, we began a new tradition... Not only does the school's Christmas card feature a student's artwork but professional prints of several other pieces are available (in limited supply) at The Gathering Place.

This year's Christmas card theme? The coming of a King. “Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the Lord. "Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you." - Zechariah 2:10-11
Elementary and secondary school students demonstrated their artistic talents in a unique depiction of Christmas.
Take a look at the featured artists below, and learn more about how students brought this fun, new project to life.
Secondary school students represent the card theme: "the coming of a king"
Ralph Norwood, FACS Art Teacher, coordinated the project for secondary art students, empowering them to take time to reflect on the year's theme - the coming of a king from Zechariah 2 and use any form of art they chose to bring the theme to life visually. Art styles represented include: sketching, acrylic paint, watercolor and hatching.
About the artistic process, Mr. Norwood explains: "As artists, we all have a best media that we like, be it paint, pencil, pen and ink, clay, etc. This opportunity allows for the student to either delve more into the media they enjoy the most, or try a new type of media, based on their preferences. It also allows for students to work, in some cases, outside of their preferred comfort zone of style. Let's say a student loves abstraction, but this card calls for more realism and expressionism. They have to get into a more challenging area, which is great for talent development and self-discovery.
"Overall, this project gave students the chance to experience the utilitarian purpose of art and not just the aesthetic. These images are used on cards so they serve a job, yet part of the job is to be the aesthetically pleasing image that draws the viewer's attention to the card. So, this way the student is serving two purposes of art.
There is great value in the professional publishing of artwork.
Mr. Norwood shared the value of a process such as this one for purposes of instructing our young mind in areas of the creative arts.
"Each piece of art, in this instance, is more than a grade or a project of pride for the student, Norwood shares. "Students can see how their creations become actual products of the economic culture and their artwork is distributed into society for others to view and appreciate. For me, it means even more that students get more public exposure to what great talents the Lord has blessed them with."
Elementary school art teacher and local artist, Lori Cook shares: I think that we can all agree that art is an important part of a well rounded education. Art helps with critical thinking, developing original ideas and encourages students to use their imagination. When a student's work is showcased it gives them confidence in many more areas of their lives."
Student artwork on school Christmas card features simple manger scene.
Student Artist: Camila Ayala, Grade 10
Art style: Acrylic paint on canvas
Featured on the school's annual Christmas card, Camila Ayala, grade 10, depicted a sweet and intimate scene of Mary and Joseph holding their newborn son, Jesus. The One who is spoken of as King and Kings and Lord of Lords came to earth as an innocent child.

Student artwork available in limited supply at the school spirit store.
Student Artist: Abigail Gray, Grade 11
Art style: Ink, Hatching
Available both as a holiday card and as a professional print, Abigail depicts an image of Jesus as a young boy, holding the hands of his parents - with a multitude of people before him. Yet, he's looking back at you and me. The depth of meaning behind this piece of art is undeniable.

Student Artist: Ella Fisk, Grade 10
Art style: Watercolor
The pastel colors in Ella's art bring to life the sweet and precious truth of the story of the birth of Jesus. Truly melodies from heaven rang out the night the Light of the world came into the earth.

Student Artist: Dannie Baker, Grade 10
Art style: Watercolor
The sweeping strokes depict the most well-loved scene in history. Truly, all creation cries out for His glory. Dannie's artwork features shepherds and wise men, a mother and father and animals, all worshiping the King of glory.

Student Artist: Elle Cozzins, Grade 12
Art style: Pencil, Shading
Elle uses her hand-drawn portrait of Mary and her newborn son, Jesus, to demonstrate the sweetest of moments - a mother holding her newborn son. The detail of her art causes us to remember that God's word says that Mary took all of these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19).

Student Artist: Jackson Bailey, Grade 11
Art style: Pencil, Sketch
Yes, it is true that the heavens opened up the night Jesus was born. Jackson brings us to a scene of a lowly shepherd who was keeping watch over his flock of sheep. Imagine the glorious sight he must have witnessed.

Student Artist: Kelsey Allen, Grade 12
Art style: Acrylic paint on canvas
In Kelsey's artwork, we see the beginning and end places for Jesus - a wooden-made manger to three wooden crosses. The place that Jesus was born then the place where He would go in order to give us life. Both places hold much significance in the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus.

Student Artist: Madison Simpson, Grade 11
Art Style: Acrylic paint on canvas
In the simplest picture, Madison shows us a sweet picture of Jesus swaddled and sleeping soundly, just like an infant would. And note the sweet addition of the star of David in the upper, left corner.

Student Artist: Brooke Barringer, Grade 6
In the sweetest display, how much better can we say it than Brooke - come, let us adore Him. A simple and lowly manger. This is how God chose to bring the Savior into the world. Just a manger, a trough with hay and a bright star that shown the way for a select group to come and adore the King.

Student Artist: Abby Bishop, Grade 6
The simplicity of the color scheme and manger scene showcases the majesty of what took place so long ago. Shining bright, Abby placed the North Star just above the manger to show everyone the way.

Student Artist: Micah Cuevas, Grade 4
Micah does a fantastic job drawing the scene as we imagine it so long ago, blending colors to show the night sky and variations in the colors of grass. At the center of it all is the newborn baby Jesus, laying quietly in the manger.

Student Artist: Bryce Johnson, Grade 3
Set in the town of Bethlehem, Bryce brings his picture to life with a demonstration of multiple elements: stars, mountains, angels, the manger, Mary and Joseph, baby Jesus, a sheep...and what we are pretty sure is the inn.

Student Artist: Aiden McHone, Grade 3
A simple scene with all of the most important characters in place, Aiden does a wonderful job drawing and coloring his picture of Jesus at Christmas time so long ago.

Student Artist: Jonathan Partee, Grade 3
With everything in its place and angels flying high, Jonathan shows us all a sweet picture of Mary holding her new baby Jesus still in the lowly manger with the sheep and Joseph right there with them.

Artist not pictured: Ali Ogden, Grade 3, is not pictured but her artwork is available in the store.