The top academic honor for the Class of 2021 at First Assembly Christian School has been awarded to Valedictorian Abigail Joy Baker, or Abbie as we all lovingly know her.
Abbie is the daughter of Justin and Monica Baker. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math National Honor Society, Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, and the National English Honor Society. She has served at FACS as treasurer and chaplain of her class, chaplain for the Student Government Association, a member of the disciple club, a tutor, a member of the varsity soccer, cross country, track and field, and basketball teams, and as a mentor for the elementary school student science fair. Outside of FACS, Abbie is involved in competitive soccer and Fine Arts through her youth group at First Assembly Memphis. She has volunteered for Royal Family Kids Camp and as a special-needs soccer coach.
Abbie Shares Her Future Plans...
I want to be a pediatrician and will be studying pre-med at SEU in Florida. If I could be remembered for anything, I would want to be remembered as a contagious love for people. My life verse is Hebrews 10:23. I chose this verse because I want to always hold on to my hope in Jesus because he’s the only one who’s always faithful and will never leave me.

TSSAA State Qualifier
Cross Country (XC) 5 Consecutive Years
Track & Field 3 Years
FACS Athletics Record Holder
3200m | time: 12:16
800m | time: 2:33:63
1600m | time: 5:26:25
5k | time: 19:00
Other Recognized Accomplishments
Named Miss FACS 2020
Student Tutor + SGA Member
Most Christlike and Highest GPA (grades 1-6)
